Target Lists

What are Target Lists?

Target Lists

Target lists are a combination of multiple reports, which you can merge different entities in order to create a campaign for a bigger audience.

The process is very simple. First we just need to go ahead on Marketing Campaigns Entity and then Target Lists. Next step is to + Create Target List

Once the target list is created, we have our Target List main screen. This is where we can select any type of report we created previously to add to our target list. 


in this case, que select the option to add our Contact Report we created previously.

Once we added our Report to the contacts, we’ll have automatically all the contacts from our report created previously, the same case is for leads, accounts or users if you need to add them too. 

In our final screen we have some other options like to show Opted Out Data or Sync with reports, which is going to update the data of your list if you modify the reports data. 

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