Getting Started

Introduction, login and password management


Getting Started

SalesOnTop is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool designed to streamline sales processes and enhance customer interactions. It centralizes customer data, tracks communication history, and streamlines sales and marketing efforts. By organizing information and automating tasks, SalesOnTop helps businesses build stronger relationships with customers and improve overall sales efficiency.

Login and Password Management

Getting Started

With the following link you can acces using your user snell e-mail as your Username and typing your password.

Remember that you can always recover your credentials using your e-mail with the next option clicking on “Forgot Password”. You must type your username and e-mail adress (both are the same) and clicking at sumbit, you’ll receive a new password.


Getting Started

Once you have logged in, you can see the main screen of our Sales On Top CRM tool and all the entities available; we call entities to any of the options we offer.
Main entities are the next listed here:

  • Contacts
  • Documents
  • Listings
  • Offers
  • Agreements
  • Import

Some of these entities have their own dropwdown menu indicated with a small arrow looking down wich lead you to more options of each entity. Aditionally, you can use our Search Bar (an easy way to find anything of your interest related to the CRM tool) a Plus Button that allows you to create Accounts, Contacts, Leads etc., a Notification Bell and Three Dots that leads you to your Account and Options. Also, remember that you can always click on SOT logo to return to the homepage.

Your Account

Getting Started

With the option that looks like three dots, “Account and Options” you can see all the information about your account like your Username, “headhost” photo, Name, Title, E-mail, Phone, Avatar, the dateyour account was created, the last access of your account and everything else related to it.

One important thing to mention is that your Headshot Photo it’ll be used to print brochures of your listing, so aside your info showing on it, the headshot it is going to appear there too. 

Most of those options has it own functionallity. Like changing the data of your Name and how you want to be adressed, your E-mail, title, and more. You can look a little pencil which give you the option to change what you need  or you can edit the whole section of your account by clicking on the “Edit” button. 

Another thing worth mentioning is, in the “Avatar” section, you can set your own photo, this will be showed when you print brochures and it’s very helpful to have a proper branding. 

There are a couple of options that might be usefull for you in the future, like the capability to add multiple phones and making one more important than the others with the favorite button (a star icon), another option that is opted out or set as invalid phone number temporary  if you dont have it at the moment and finally the button to cancel the number you are not going to use anymore.

Next you have the options for your credentials, where you can change your password clicking on the three dots just at the bottom of the main entities.

Main Screen

Getting Started

One of the most usefull features of the CRM tool is that you can customize your own dashboard as you please. That means that you can show the info you might need at first glance everytime you log in to your account. 

Clicking on the three dots at the right end of the dashboard, you’ll have the option to add dashlet, of which you will have the following options

Calendar, Iframe, Memo, My Activities, My Calls, My Cases, My Inbox, My Leads, My Meetings, My Tasks… and many more. 

Remember this powerfull tool as a virtual assistant that is going to have every information you need at the reach of a couple of clicks. 

This is how your dashboard is going to look once you start adding the dashlet options that suits your way of organize yourself.

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