Advanced Search

Everything you need at the reach of a couple of clicks

Global Search

Advanced Search

With this guide, we are going to learn how to search for specific information like contacts, listings, accounts and to give and apply filters to do an advanced search, wich comes very  handy once we have a lot of information to go trough.

With the Global Search field you can look for:

  1. Accounts
  2. Agent Names
  3. Listings 

You must type correctly the name of the Account, Agent name (at least one name) and a key word for the listing and it’ll be showed by the results.


Advanced Search

When you go on listing or contacts entity, you’ll notice that you have another search bar that works technically the same as “Global Search” but it have the additional option to add filters, so, this way, it’ll be a lot easier to find that speficic information you are looking for.

Here you have plenty of data to filter trough your searchings, allowing you to reach the information you need at top speed.

  1. Assigned User: the one who is assigned to the contact.
  2. Teams: If there is a specific team that your contact is part of.
  3. Created At: the date the contact were created
  4. Created By: The User who created the contact
  5. Modified At: if the contact were modified at a specific date
  6. Accounts: Name of accounts your contact is from.
  7. Address: if the contact have an specific Address you remember.
  8. E-mail
  9. Phone
  10. Account Title
  11. Target Lists

Once you applied some of those filters, it’ll allow you to manage the information at your convenience. For example: if we apply “Accounts” filter, we’ll se how the info deploys.

You can also add even more filters to the same search if there is more specific contac you are searching for, like an specific assigned user, team, e-mail, phone number, aside of just the Account related to them. 

With the same steps you’ll be allowed to filter an advanced search at Listings entity. There is a couple of different options to filter. Next you have the list:

  1. Assigned User: the one who is assigned to the listing.
  2. Zone: A specific zone were the listing could belong.
  3. Area: Same as the Zone.
  4. Community: if there is a community the listing is part of.
  5. Subdivision:
  6. Listing Agent: Important information to filter if you are looking for all the listings one specific agent has.
  7. Co-Listing Agent: If there is additional agent related to the listing.
  8. Teams
  9. Address
  10. End Date

In the next picture you can look how it shows once you apply some filters to the advanced search. Please Note thatm if you apply 2 different filters, the search will show you the whole information of those filters, in this example you can notice that we have filtered listings by the “Name” Starting With Casa and listings by the “Listing Agent” Claudia Gonzalez.

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